

Love Yourself this February

Phew! January is done and we have kind of stuck to the New Year’s resolutions but for some that motivation has already slipped and all the old excuses are back as to why you have not been able to eat nutritiously and be more active! So with half term done […]

Root Cause Not the Symptom

Have you been watching Dr Chatterjee and his BBC One series Doctor in the House? He has been working as a GP for 16 years and from his work he has learnt and experienced that for many patients it is not a pill that they need but a lifestyle change. […]

Any Excess Baggage?

The holiday season is here! For month’s you have been on point with your nutrition (well mostly), you have exercised several times a week. Ok so you may have done more but unfortunately the weeks flew by and suddenly it is time to pack the suitcase. So the question is, […]